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Saturday, December 20, 2008,12:38 PM
Fei LUN HAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote of the Day: The worst way to miss someone, is to have them sitting right next to you & you know you can never have them.

Okay. before i blog about Hokkaido, i would like to blog about FLH!!!! hahaz. went to their concert yesterday. >.<>.<> he also played the drums >.<>.< - jiro was playing his guitar >.< nice (girls will faint) - ya lun was playing THE piano while singing a duet with liu li yang (ti amo) *007!!!
At some points, i was quite disappointed cos their "tunes" were not that correct. But i could see they put in a lot of effort!! So FLH must JIA YOu!!!

After the concert, on the way out. i think i was soo crazy that i went to buy their e-pointer (that has their face projected. >.<) But i had no regrets >.< :P hahaz.

On the way home, i was so hungry (forgotten i hadnt had dinner) met my sis at Macs (24 hours) and got my fishy burger for dinner.

Thats all.


Signing off

Joy ^^V

Wednesday, December 17, 2008,8:27 PM
Slow and Steady >.<

Quote of the day: Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.

Gosh so much to blog for the week. >.<> @.@) hahaz.. well... got my new cam!!-> a sony cybershot T700 (eyed on that for 1 month :) alr ) then celebrated chewy's birthday. hahaz.. that day we went to vivo together. went to watch a movie (dum dum dum dum.. chihuahua ^.^) then had dinner at sushi tei (quite disappointed by the "soft" sushi). okay.. i cant get the pics on the blog. drats. need reference? hahaz... thats what fb are for.. >.< hahaz. so sorry girls. somethins wrong with blogger. will put the pics on fb :)

Gosh. in other words i cant post the pics from hokkaido in blog. drats. think will be trying my dad's lappy.


signing off.



Saturday, November 22, 2008,2:20 AM
YA!! finally BREAK at last..

Quote of the day: The best and most beautiful things in the worldcannot be seen or even touched;they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller

Ya ") finally exams are over!!. phew... hahaz... first day of break^^) . Went to send Zi Ying off. Think she has alr arrived in Taiwan ... will miss her.. (not her poking though).. after that i went to sing k with wee ling at top one - woh the k centre was cool ( too bad no touch screen and the drinks taste weird- esp the grape flavour) I LOVE SINGING!!... after the singing session, we went to buy some preservatives at Fulushou tower (VERY "CHIP" ar!) had our dinner before starting our shopping spree at bugis village. bought a bangle and sunglass (was hoping to buy a bag though~ cant find a bag i like :( ) to look nice in my pixs during the coming jap trip.. oh cant wait for dec 6 to cum... 2 more weeks ~... ^.^....

oki gotta sleep liao TaTa!!

Friday, October 31, 2008,11:31 PM
Finally had time to Blog..

Quote of the week:
Some people come into our lives,
Leave footprints in our hearts,
And we are never ever the same.

Hahaz.. finally finished the 4 tests and presentation (have a feeling that will fail the last 2 tests though..haiz) hahaz... put that aside... Ya!! finished ed psy!! no more Ed psy modules!!*fist in the air!! hahaz... crazy schedule for the past few months.. pratically everyweek have test >.< (eyebags getting bigger and darker- experienced a day without sleep) thats why nv blog for a very long time...

Well, the exams are not over yet though-_- startin on 11 nov... first paper calculas somemore (the most scariest math topic i have taken in my life- luckily have prof Soon->she such a good prof will miss her next year cos she not teaching us on the other module :(..)

Will be preparing the exams starting from next week hahaz... so currently slacking a little bit... Ya!! going to watch HSM3 this coming sunday Wohoo!! hahahz.. cant wait for that day to come >.<

oki going off to watch my long forgotten dramas...

Bye Bye^^V

Monday, September 22, 2008,1:12 AM
My birthday!!!

Quote of the Day: "As you grow old, you learn more. If you stayed at twenty-two, you'd always be as ignorant as you were at twenty-two. Aging is not just decay, you know. It's growth. It's more than the negative that you're going to die, its also the positive that you understand you're going to die, and that you live a better life because of it." (118) - Morrie

First of all, i want to wish myself a happy birthday :) and thanks to those whom have wished me:). Woke up early in the morning to tutor my sister-had tim sum buffet brunch (eat til you drop) at some hotel (SUPER CHEAP and DELICIOUS)- went to nearby FUNAN IT MALL to look for Cameras (sad to say nv bought anything>need to reconsider many factors)- came back to sleep for 2hrs- ate dinner- play facebook-cut cake *Happy birthday to ME* - shower- watch tuesday with morrie on youtube-

WAs quite teary for the entire movie.. met me reflect on my grandad... morrie's actions... well except his reflections(if only my grandad had his reflection skills he could have lived a better life- that was what made me teary as well) This movie-story really inspired me :) Nothing is as scary as death to me- to me death seems to bring my beloved relatives away.. it seems to be so difficult to actually face death coming slowly to one. Yet, Morrie seems to handle it well. Even if he does cry.. he still live life cheerfully.

Think will stop here. Getting too emo~ not too getting too emo on birthdays... hahaz... :P (well-that includes thinking of death too)


P.s. Yizhen, i'm so sorry i have problems uploading the video- so i am still editting the posts abt derrick which is yet to be published.. so sorry...

Friday, August 29, 2008,11:26 PM
Today is StarLite nitezZZ

Quote of the Day: You have to forgive to forget, and forget, to feel again.

After a long and tiring day
I am sitting down here in front of my com writing my blog while waiting for my turn to use the toilet
Woke up 5am everyday to bath (slept and woke up again at 630)
Reached school at 8am (half an hour earlier than my lecture- first one in the lecture hall)
Very routine.

Today had GESL before the starlite event-go nellie go! go irfan go!
Ended GESL with PIZZA!
730 was the start of Starlite.
Good Singers Bad Singers- okay not really bad.. but i just didn't like it
Nellie was a little off chord with the guitar but manage to "spring back into action" for the second song (liked their second song more- good job!)
Irfan and his gf was good. REAL GOOD. thats what happens when couples are real bonded - its melody- hahaz... *i can hear wedding bells
Loved the Songs that one of the judges sung- I will always love you (dunno if this is the right title)-inspired mi to the Quote^-^
1015 i kinda sneaked out before the event ended.
Dad got lost while trying to look for me.
Managed to find me at 1045.
Reached home at 1115.


*Shagged but still writin-- for Derrick's card- his coming down tmr!! to BPP!! which is near to my home ^^V.

Sunday, August 24, 2008,11:01 AM
Another busy week... :( [need mathematical help!!]

Quote of the week: You can fall in love in an instant.It's letting go that takes time.

Nice quote:) but quite sad ending... cos its always difficult for girls to let go... doesn't it? hahaz..

Had another week... of full punch math... was wondering any schools (tuition centres) have tuition for Uni students? hahahaz... Have not been studying for 1 yr... uni maths was definitely a tough one to start... -_-... hahaz... I NEED HELP!!!

Watched a show on tv recently... its about 2 people of the same birthdate yet different growing up environment... was very emo about the show...

Recuiting: People that have a lot of information on cameraS... hahaz... intending to buy one slim one... that will not stop working due to cold climates... Any lobangs? msg me :)


+ No vulgarities
+ Do not spam
+ Do not rip anything off


Hello. I'm Joyner. I'm 20 years old. I love Dramas, Anime, chocolate, shopping, FLH, SUJU, COMICS. I hate liars, backstabbers and being left behind.



[*cheryl*] [*linnet*] [*wee ling*] [*chewy*] [*long cheng*]
[*shou chen*] [*veron*] [*wei qi*]
[*jia min*] [*jorel aka sister*] [*yiZhen aka wei jian's fan*]
[*xiang ting*]


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